Husna Abdul Malik Madu Women’s Degree College of Art Science and commerce was established in 2002 with the untiring and poineering efforts of Honorable Mr. Haji Mohd. Hanif Tanki,the president of Educational Uplift Society and his dedicated team. The efforts taken ny them who left no stone unturned for the development of this college.

“To setup an institution of academic excellence,inculcating the right moral and social values among the student, Providing them opportunities for self development and creating responsible citizen of future”.
• To impart quality education that would prepare the student to face challenges with confidence.
• To impart moral & human values of truth,righteousness, discipline,hard work & team spirit.
• ToSupport education that would be secular,liberal and progressive yet respect the cultural plurality.
• To develop spirit of inquiry, scientific temperament and pursuit of knowlege among the student.
” It Sensitize the student and create a sense of responsibility towards social and environmental conditions. “